Sounds like one of those tempting God things--- "IF YOU REALLY EXIST- SHOW YOURSELF!"
There's always hunger strikes (a.k.a. fasting), but if it is a counter you want,I am pretty sure all ya have to do is go to and surf their webmaster section-- paste some HTML and wah lah ((only if I visit twice-to reply to your eeyoring about, it's gonna give you a two when it's just double me ;p))
ironic isn't it, how a response to a "pity party" can become such a great example of a victim complex.
i'm still waiting on the review. i was going to eat there yesterday... but since i'm not sure if you like it... i decided not to. so your "not reviewing the restaurant" action caused me to miss out on some fine tri-tip sandwhiches. i can't believe you. you bloggers have such ego trips. you won't even give us the peace we need to go about our busy lives.
Now that kelly has admitted she DOES have a mouse in her pocket and mundane is having a panic attack and atticus has come out of the closet and jack is on a hunger strike, I guess it's time for me to go public.
I'm not an introvert, nor am I an extrovert. Sometimes I revert. When things get really out of control I invert. When I'm feeling grouchy I convert.
I appreciate all the verts who are vocal and/or silent-but-deadly readers of the blog. To show my support, I'll do one review per vert.
it's a good thing we don't all wait to eat until you tell us to
we? you got a mouse in your pocket?
No, but ironically there was one in our kitchen this morning...
(heavy rain'll do that)
WE::your readers
and no the point isn't lost on me-- I just think you are exaggerating
I guess I'll have to research how to implement a counter and we'll find out.
Or, all those other readers just itching for the next installment can quit being so shy and demonstrate their presence.
Sounds like one of those tempting God things--- "IF YOU REALLY EXIST- SHOW YOURSELF!"
There's always hunger strikes (a.k.a. fasting), but if it is a counter you want,I am pretty sure all ya have to do is go to and surf their webmaster section-- paste some HTML and wah lah ((only if I visit twice-to reply to your eeyoring about, it's gonna give you a two when it's just double me ;p))
If Brad is an extrovert, I'm a left-handed midget lesbian.
Looks like the self pitying brought about two "lurkers" perhaps there's more
( i know you weren't really bellyaching-- )
ironic isn't it, how a response to a "pity party" can become such a great example of a victim complex.
i'm still waiting on the review. i was going to eat there yesterday... but since i'm not sure if you like it... i decided not to. so your "not reviewing the restaurant" action caused me to miss out on some fine tri-tip sandwhiches. i can't believe you. you bloggers have such ego trips. you won't even give us the peace we need to go about our busy lives.
Now that kelly has admitted she DOES have a mouse in her pocket and mundane is having a panic attack and atticus has come out of the closet and jack is on a hunger strike, I guess it's time for me to go public.
I'm not an introvert, nor am I an extrovert. Sometimes I revert. When things get really out of control I invert. When I'm feeling grouchy I convert.
I appreciate all the verts who are vocal and/or silent-but-deadly readers of the blog. To show my support, I'll do one review per vert.
No, wait, that didn't come out right.
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